Do you feel like there should be more to life than what you’re currently living? Is work getting in the way of your wellness goals?
Many people turn to travel and vacations to find their wellness in the world. But what exactly is wellness and what is wellness travel? Wellness is the pursuit of optimal physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. Wellness tourism seeks out all kinds of wellness activities: yoga retreats, meditation holidays, and healthful eating retreats.
So what’s the difference between wellness travel and more traditional resort stays or spa getaways? Resorts tend to focus on beauty, wellness tourism focuses on promoting healthy lifestyle choices. These travels focus on re-discovering wellness in your life. It includes activities that promote mindfulness, wellness, and healthful living.
Wellness travel is more than just wellness activities —it also integrates wellness into the entire vacation experience. Think healthy food, promoting sleep practices, seminars and education, and anything else to promote well-rounded benefits for the mind and body.
Why Going on a Wellness Vacation is Important
If you’re busy, wellness travel is a perfect way to break up your work year. Because wellness vacations focus on wellness goals and behaviors, they provide a great way to stay healthy without sacrificing too much time or money. Plus, wellness vacations are fun. Going on a wellness retreat offers the chance to try new things – learn how to surf, try yoga, meditation, or new treatments.
5 Tips to Ensure Your Next Wellness Vacation is Completely Satisfying
1. Pick out your travel destination at least 6 months ahead of time to get the best prices and availability. This will also give you enough time to research different retreat options and wellness activities so that you can pick the perfect one for you.
2. Find wellness activities that YOU enjoy. Look for resorts, holiday packages, and cruise ships that offer those activities – like surfing, meditation, wellness treatments, and healthy food choices. Don’t book anything that you know you won’t enjoy. Pick something that appeals to you, not what seems like the most popular wellness activity.
3. Do your research. Look for first-hand reviews from other wellness travelers and wellness blogs. Read at least 10 reviews before booking your vacation to make sure you’re getting the best activities and amenities. Ask your friends and family if they have any they would recommend.
4. A wellness vacation doesn’t have to be something out of the ordinary. If you want to go for a walk in the forest, meditate in your hotel room or try local wellness activities like yoga – do it! It can be simple activities that you do every day that take on new meaning.
5. Remember wellness doesn’t just mean “healthy” – it means engaging in activities that promote wellness behaviors. Be mindful of your wellness goals and outward behaviors like physical wellness (exercise and eating habits), social wellness (friendships and relationships), and mental wellness (stress management, mindfulness, setting goals).
10 Activities You Can Try on Your Next Wellness Vacation:
1. Wellness retreats.
Retreats can provide activities like treatments, courses, and seminars from experts.
2. Wellness tours.
Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation on a wellness holiday, you can find anything from adventure hiking to relaxing spa days.
3. Yoga classes
Yoga classes can be found at resorts and most travel destinations.
4. Meditation
This is a wellness activity that can be done anywhere. You can also try meditation-focused retreats in new destinations.
5. Healthy cooking classes
These classes are available on many wellness vacations – they’re a wellness activity you can’t find back home.
6. Have a spa day.
Relax and pamper yourself with wellness treatments like wellness facials, body scrubs, and massages.
7. Wellness cruises
They offer an amazing way to travel and relax at the same time.
8. Go surfing
If it’s available in your planned travel destination. You’ll get in an excellent workout and catch some vitamin D! It could be a fun new thing to do with friends.
9. Attend a wellness workshop.
Workshops give you the chance to try something new and pick up tips from experts. There are lectures provided on vacation cruises, wellness holidays, and resorts in health and fitness.
10. Meetup with wellness travelers.
There are wellness groups for like-minded people looking to make friends and indulge in activities together!
The Best Places in the World for a Wellness Vacation
You can find wellness vacations all around the world – maybe even in your own neighborhood.
Bali, Indonesia is one of the most famous wellness destinations. It’s known for its spas and retreats. The lush island also has yoga retreats and meditation courses that provide incredible activities and experiences.
Another popular location for wellness is south of France – with wellness resorts in Nice and Cannes.
In the US, hot spots for wellness vacations are California, Colorado, Florida, and New York. But remember there are great wellness vacations spots available in every state – not just for people who have time to fly far away from home.
Wherever you choose to go, wellness vacations are an incredible way to reconnect with yourself and rediscover your passions. They’re amazing for your health and they’re wonderful adventures that remind you how good life is!
The Benefits of Taking a Wellness Vacation
• You get to try wellness treatments and wellness activities you’ve never done before.
• If you’re taking time off work, it’s a perfect way to treat yourself.
• It’s a wellness activity that promotes wellness goals in many aspects of life.
• You get to escape your normal everyday life for a wellness vacation.
• You can recharge and refocus.
Final Thoughts
No matter what wellness travel means to you, vacations offer a great way for wellness-minded individuals and fitness fanatics alike to recharge – and rediscover – wellness in their lives.
Let us know where you’re planning your next wellness vacation!